A pairing min-heap class

(Available since version 1.0)


This class provides the main functionalities of a heap, keeping the minimum on the top. The underlying implementation is a pairing heap.

It provides the same interface as SplMinHeap with the extra method, Heap::update() which allows one to update a node in the heap.

Class synopsis

SEIDS::Heaps::Pairing::MinHeap extends SEIDS::Heaps::Pairing::Heap {
/* Inherited properties */
protected int $size ;
protected SEIDS::Heaps::Pairing::Subheap $subheap ;
protected array $hasht ;
protected int $last_tag ;
/* Methods */
protected int compare ( mixed $value1 , mixed $value2 )
/* Inherited methods */
public Heap::__construct ([ array $array ] )
public int Heap::count ( void )
public mixed Heap::current ( void )
public bool Heap::isEmpty ( void )
public int Heap::key ( void )
public void Heap::next ( void )
public void Heap::rewind ( void )
public bool Heap::valid ( void )
protected mixed Heap::value ( mixed $value )
protected mixed Heap::hashtIndex ( mixed $value )
public void Heap::__clone ( void )
public mixed Heap::extract ( void )
public bool Heap::insert ( mixed $value )
public bool Heap::recoverFromCorruption ( void )
public mixed Heap::top ( void )
public void Heap::update ( mixed $value1 , mixed $value2 )
protected SEIDS::Heaps::Pairing::Subheap Heap::merge ( SEIDS::Heaps::Pairing::Subheap $a , SEIDS::Heaps::Pairing::Subheap $b )
protected void Heap::mergePairs ( SubHeap $subheap )
protected void Heap::swapWithParent ( SubHeap $child )
protected void Heap::siftDown ( SubHeap $subheap )
protected void Heap::siftUp ( SubHeap $subheap )

See Also

Table of Contents

  • MinHeap::compare — Compare elements in order to place them correctly in the heap
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