A binary heap class

(Available since version 1.0)


This class provides the main functionalities of a Heap. The underlying implementation is a binary heap.

It provides the same interface as SplHeap with the extra methods, Heap::extractInsert() and Heap::update() which allows one to update a node in the heap.

This class has just one abstract method, Heap::compare(), that must by overloaded to use the heap. Those who are working with simple numerical data can used the concrete classes SEIDS::Heaps::Binary::MaxHeap and SEIDS::Heaps::Binary::MinHeap for a binary max-heap and binary min-heap respectively.

Class synopsis

SEIDS::Heaps::Binary::Heap extends SEIDS::Heaps::Heap {
/* Properties */
protected array $btree ;
protected array $hasht ;
protected int $last_tag ;
/* Inherited properties */
protected int $size ;
/* Methods */
public __construct ([ array $array ] )
abstract protected int compare ( mixed $value1 , mixed $value2 )
public mixed extract ( void )
public mixed extractInsert ( mixed $value )
public bool insert ( mixed $value )
public bool recoverFromCorruption ( void )
public mixed top ( void )
public void update ( mixed $value1 , mixed $value2 )
protected int parentIndex ( int $index )
protected int childOneIndex ( int $index )
protected int childTwoIndex ( int $index )
protected void swap ( int $a , int $b )
protected void siftDown ( int $index )
protected void siftUp ( int $index )
/* Inherited methods */
public int count ( void )
public mixed current ( void )
public bool isEmpty ( void )
public int key ( void )
public void next ( void )
public void rewind ( void )
public bool valid ( void )
protected mixed value ( mixed $value )
protected mixed hashtIndex ( mixed $value )



The binary tree which represents the heap.


A hash table (standard PHP array) which takes node values (as given by Heap::hashtIndex()) as keys and gives a list of indexes (in btree) and tags for nodes corresponding to that value. Used to efficiently update the heap.


The last tag used for a node.

See Also

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